The Patellar tendon connects your knee cap to the front of your shin bone. You can see this demonstrated in the diagram below. “Tendonitis” refers to the tendon itself becoming inflamed. This inflammation can be caused by a variety of factors. Check out the sections below to understand what causes Patellar Tendonitis.

Image result for patellar tendonitis

Why does the Patellar Tendon become inflamed?

This injury is very common amongst athletes that complete sports involving jumping such as basketball or volleyball. However it can also be caused by:

  1. Tight Quadriceps muscle

Tightness in your thigh muscles pulls upwards on the patellar which then puts more stress on the patellar tendon.

  1. Exercise on hard surfaces

This puts more pressure on the knee joint and the patellar tendon.

  1. Muscle imbalances

Patellar tendonitis can be caused by people having strong quadriceps/hip flexors & weaker hamstrings/glutes

  1. Biomechanical issues
  • Fallen arches in your feet
  • Collapsing knees when you run or jump
  • Abnormal running gait

What symptoms will I feel if I have Patellar Tendonitis?

  • Pain at the front of knee/kneecap
  • Pain as you begin to exercise which gradually worsens
  • Soreness on jumping and landing
  • In severe cases pain when walking up/down stairs

What are the treatment options if I am suffering Patellar Tendonitis ?

  • Reducing the inflammation around the Patellar Tendon– This can be done through treatments such as acupuncture, EMS therapy, Ultrasound, cryotherapy. You can aid this process at home by using Ice around the painful region.
  • Complete rest from the painful activities/exercises
  • Stretching the quadriceps & hip flexor muscles – This can also be helped through massage & vibration therapy.
  • Strengthening the hamstrings, glutes and muscles around the knee.
  • Biomechanical work with an injury specialist to ensure your technique when running/jumping/landing is correct

We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to diagnose an injury without any medical training. Therefore if you are unsure or just want some piece of mind please book an appointment to see an injury specialist. They will be able to correctly diagnose the problem and inform you on the appropriate steps moving forwards.


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Covent Garden Injury Clinic: Jubilee Hall Gym, 30 The Piazza, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 8BE

Northampton Injury Clinic: St Giles Physiotherapy, 38 York Road, Northampton, NN1 5QJ

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